Saturday, June 09, 2007

Ozboy 5/30/07 Comment

ozboy said...

The Governor, Republican that he is, is not going to go against and embarrass the Little Lord (also a Republican as Curmudgeon is fond of pointing out) in the months leading up to the election.

The governor may or may not like Godfrey, but he is not going to hang him out to dry - ever - for any reason. That is not how it works in Republican and LDS land. Remember, we do not criticize leaders, even if it's true.

Republican leaders do not attack or show up other Republicans in Utah. Godfrey would have to be caught red handed in some very serious traditional crimes dealing with moral turpitude before any other Republican would criticize him. (Like congressman Loyd who was caught with the hooker in SLC a few years back)

Even tho we all know that he does in fact commit crimes routinely, they are not the common street type crimes it would take for him to be indicted by other politicians. (sorry, stealing money from the tax payers to enrich his buddies doesn't count in this game unless it can be proven that the money went into his own pocket)

Even our lame assed democrat county attorney will not go after Godfrey in spite of having been given plenty of reasons by plenty of citizens.

Our very strange and evil State Attorney General has had any number of citizens file charges of criminal conduct against Godfrey, and good Republican that Shurtlef is, the most he has ever done is assign a low level para legal to take the complaints and humour the complainers.

The game is rigged, there is absolutely no one in power in state government that will protect the citizens against predators that are also in government. This $900 thousand that Godfrey and his circle ripped off the State is small potatoes to these people. They routinely throw more than that away on a lot less than this. It is tax payer money and Huntsman, Godfrey, et al could not care less about losing it to this American Can scam.

The Governor gave Amer Sport $12 million bucks to come to Utah. They are going into the American Can bldg. None of these predator politicians are going to queer that deal over a lousy $900 thousand grant that the Godfreyites ripped off from the State.

Sorry to be so cynical on this matter, but this is just the way it is here in Republican Utah.

The only hope is at the ballot box in November, and that is not a sure shot by any stretch. The sad truth is that the immoral, arrogant and criminal Godfrey may very well be with us for years into the future unless a very strong and capable candidate takes him on and shows the people just how corrupt the little (guy) really is.

May 30, 2007 11:52 PM

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