Thursday, November 08, 2007

Moroni McConkie Comment

Moroni McConkie said...

I doubt anyone here is suprised Elder Godfrey is seeking a third term.

Although H.L. Mencken hated Roosevelt, he argued that FDR should be elected to a third term because "he should be made to bury his own dead horse." Grounds for Godfrey's gallop into 4 more years?

In other ancient history, when Eisenhower announced he was running again in 1956, some wag (maybe Stevenson himself?) suggested that it figured, since Ike could never afford to retire to his Gettysburg farm "while [Utah's Ezra Taft] Benson is Secretary of Agriculture."

Likewise with Godfrey. He hasn't presided over any job creation in Ogden that could pay him what the mayoralty does.

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