Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Peter C. Clemens Email

From: Peter C. Clemens
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 6:55 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'Gwen Lee'; ''; 'brian moench'; ''; Wicks, Amy; 'Amy Joi O'Donoghue'; 'BRENDA BURRUP'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Tammy Clemens'; 'Christian Clemens'

Subject: ogden burning

Mr. Patterson,

While it is true that some of the air pollution which we see every day as we look out across the west is a function of blowing dust, the major source of pollution we live with along the Wasatch Front is vehicle emissions. There is no question that we in Utah already have significant air quality issues which we are facing, which defy any easy solution. Whether one chooses to accept this fact or not does not change the fact itself. Air pollution does not have to “hang in the air” in any visible way, to be harmful to the citizens of Ogden. The data is clear that any pollution is too much and that air pollution causes a host of respiratory and metabolic problems, down to the cellular level. I have corresponded recently with fire departments and agencies around the country and across the state, who have repeatedly called into question the judgement of those choosing to allow, and even champion, the cause of unneeded creation of pollution which is the inevitable consequence of the Mayor’s proposed demolition by fire. While these departments may yearn for the “good old days’ when fire departments could burn acquired structures carte blanche for live fire training, most cited the impact on air quality as being the single driving factor behind abandoning this practice now. Most also admitted that the practice was largely unnecessary.

The onus is on those who choose to pollute for no good reason to prove the validity of their position, and not on those who call this practice into question. The scientific data is clear, even if the Mayor and his supporters choose to ignore it. He is in effect, placing the health and welfare of the citizens, your children and mine, in jeopardy simply because he feels that he can. I think that your own response to Ms. Lee was dismissive and demonstrates a lack of accountability from your office. The “ dissipation “ which you cited is not reflective of the lack of a problem, and in fact the city did not do any adequate air quality monitoring, and I underscore the word adequate, to insure that her citizens were not irreparably harmed by this early morning misadventure. Numerous calls and complaints have been fielded today by City Council members regarding the fact that the citizens were not forewarned, as the Mayor promised they would be, that the proposed burn would take place at 3:00 AM on Saturday. Why this cavalier disregard for peoples’ health and welfare? I fear that the answer is in the question.

Sincerely, Dr. Peter C. Clemens, UPHE Member, and

Clinical Director, Wound and Hyperbaric Center, ORMCL

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