1) A specific reference to the Field House Project;There are two basic ways to send your opposition email to the key Field House Project RAMP Decision Makers:
2) Your name, address (and any other contact information you'd like to provide to identify yourself as a citizen of Weber County and/or to facilitate further cross-communication);
3) Your recommendation and argument in opposition to the application of RAMP funding toward this project.
1) Send a single bulk email to all RAMP Decision Makers;RAMP Committee members:
2) Send an email to each individual, or a bulk email to each below-listed group:
- Stephanie Christiansen: ryan_steph@me.com
- Meg Naisbitt: mmpc@comcast.net
- Mark Bunker: Mark.bunker@autoliv.com
- Morris Sterrett: mrsterrett@gmail.com
- Sara Toliver: Sara@Ogden.travel
- Jeanne Hall: Pjeannehall@gmail.com
Weber County Commissioners:
- Jan Zogmaister: jzogmaister@co.weber.ut.us
- Craig Dearden: cdearden@co.weber.ut.us
- Kerry Gibson: kgibson@co.weber.ut.us