Monday, August 29, 2005

John Thompson -- At Large Seat B

1. I am a interested citizen, resident, and voter living in Ogden.
Been a resident since 1961. Concerned with the progress being made in
Ogden and think I can offer some assistance in improving all positive
aspects of livng, working, and playing in Ogden and help decrease the
negative aspects thereof.

2. Why running, because as a member of the council I can make a
positive difference for all citizens, residents, and visitors to Ogden.

3. If elected I know off the bat I'm one of 7 members. I will try to
persuade, convince, and encourage all members but at least 3 that the
council should be more in charge of running the show in Ogden. The
council is the policy makers for the city. We should have first crack at
what the problems are and more importantly, how to solve, correct, get
rid of them. The RecCtr will probably be a done deal by Jan06 and if so
I'll monitor closely the building status of its development. My
personal interest will be in the regular, day to day operation of the city
and try to make sure we are doing those things the best, most cost
effective way we can. I think now we (the city) spend too much money, time,
and effort on Comm and Econ Dev. I will offer that if the Communities
are taken care off, not allowed to become blighted, this will encourage
on its own the economic development of the city. I believe now that
the amount of money going into econ dev is too much and the return on
investment doesnt match the risk being taken.

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