Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sign Going up at the Frontrunner "Welcome Station"

Wonder of wonders, Boss Godfrey is actually erecting a huge "Welcome Center" sign on the train car/restaurant/welcome center

By Monotreme

Mrs. Monotreme and I were heading up to a friend's home in the northern part of Ogden when we spotted this sight on Wall Ave., so I pulled over to take a picture:

Wonder of wonders, they are actually erecting a huge "Welcome Center" sign on the train car/restaurant/welcome center. And the sign even faces the train platform!

Ed. Note: Wonder of wonders is exactly right!

We've had some earlier discussion on this subject.

Has Boss Godfrey been reading our WCF comments section, to finally find ways to be respected as the erstwhile Mayor of our community?

We can only hope. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.

Is it possible, now that these signs are going up, that Godfrey will also fulfill his earlier promises, and staff the Welcome Center with helpful WSU volunteers? Will visitors to the "Welcome Center" be allowed to use the publicly-financed bathrooms without having to buy a cup of coffee or a bagel from the current FOM* proprietors? Will the heretofore empty brochure racks be suddenly filled with robust printed Ogden information?

The only way Boss Godfrey can get outta town alive within the next couple of years, we think, is to tune into Weber County Forum, and to adapt his introverted and iconoclastic ways to the will of the lumpencitizens of our great community. Hopefully he'll continue to tune in.

Comments are invited as always.

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*Friend of Matt

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