Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Kori Munns

1. Position on Eminent Domain
I am no fan of using eminent domain to increase a tax base but I do not think the city as a whole should be stripped of that option. As my husband is a very active union member we live an anti-WalMart lifestyle and made sure we attended the city council meetings when this whole WalMart deal came out. If anyone cares to check the minutes of the meeting or corresponding newspaper articles you would read that we were some of the first to stand up and say how wrong this plan was. On the flip side of this argument is that I have talked to allot of people including some who live in the affected area that feel the city would be better off with something else there and I am inclined to agree. It does not take a politcian to figure out that when you use the words WalMart and eminent domain in the same sentence you will end up with a big bi-partisan fight on your hands. If the proposed project had been to build a Cabela's I truly belive it would probably be done by now. Regardless of that I do not think that the RDA, mayor or even the council should be able to freely wield that power as they see fit. In fact I feel it would be more appropriate to put the issue to a vote of either the property owners involved or Ogden citizens as a whole. I am betting this will eventually fall out of the scope of city council as it has become such a national issue but if I ever have to deal with it as a council member any decision I will make would be based on my beliefs I have stated and the circumstances of each individual case.

2. Main Issues

A. The Lift Ogden Project
I am 100% for the Lift Ogden Project. If elected I will do everything I can to make this idea a reality while keeping peoples input on these issues a priority. I will deal with the problems concerning this project as we get to them rather than arguing about them now.

B. The Rec. Center
While I agree that there are some legitimate questions concerning the funding of this project, the fact is that there is a large section and population of this city that is sick of suffering the consequences of their leaders inaction. They no longer care how much it will cost or where the money will come from. They are tired of looking at Ogden's little ground zero and want something built now that might provide them with a job or help their ailing businesses. If you like dirt farms don't vote for me because I will not sit around and argue about the cheapest way to fix this problem for another four years. I understand the frustration and if elected will do everything possible to get the ball rolling on this project.

C. Leash Laws
I hate to beat up on Ogden Animal Services because for the most part I think they do a great job. Unfortunately there seem to be a few officers who prefer to use Gestapo like tactics to ticket and fine responsible dog owners. If Animal Services cant train 100% of their officers to use common sense in enforcing the current leash laws then the law needs to be changed. If elected I would encourage Animal Services to use common sense in their enforcement of the law and if that cant be accomplished then some places or times need to be provided to allow dogs to freely exercise and socialize.

D. City Council Meetings
Wouldn't it be nice of the city council to listen to the public comments before they voted ?

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