Monday, October 03, 2005

Dori Moshure

In response to the question regarding eminent domain for economic development, if you are referring to the Wal-Mart issue, an individual with any kind of economic savvy realizes that retail canniballism is NOT economic development. I am opposed to forcing a person out of their home to benefit a major corporation.

I understand why a Wal-Mart was proposed. The city is hoping to corral some of the sales tax from the Riverdale and Harrisville stores. Also, the development that follows a Wal-Mart may look appealing. Yes, we need to increase the tax flow into the city, but as I have walked my district and knocked on doors, the thing I was told the most was "We don't want a Wal-Mart. We like the charm of Ogden. We don't want to become another Riverdale, Layton, Harrisville, Centerville......(fill in the blank with any other Wasatch Front city with a Wal-Mart)." Many people I spoke with
have moved to Ogden from out of state, or out of town, specifically because of
the personality and diversity.

What are the main issues in Ogden? Well, obviously the hottest topic is the
gondola. However, the most important issues that need to be addressed are deteriorating infrastructure, specifically the water pipes. We have pipes that were put into place in the late 1800s. We have pressure vaults that threaten to become volatile if not replaced, which will not only affect water to our homes, but may actually prove to be fatal to public works employees.

In respect to the infrastructure, I will work with the city to develop and implement long-range plans of repair, replacement, and upgrade, along with a budget plan of current monies, state assistance grants, and bonding.

Also, a sinking fund needs to be set in place to provide funding for future needs
within the water department.

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